Limiting Beliefs Aren’t Real, They’re Just Stories You Tell Yourself! What Are the Stories Holding You Back?
This short guided process allows you to both Relax Deeply& Let Go of Limiting Beliefs that have been holding you back up until now.
We bathe regularly, exercise regularly, and take time to eat healthy foods… Take time for ‘you’ regularly too. This short guided process is designed to be used multiple times a week to allow you to thoroughly cleanse yourself on a deeper level.
Listen consciously or simply relax and let the process work on a deeper level as you slip into the deeply relaxing trance.
Destroy the Blocks, Let Go of Limitations and Move Forward with Your Manifestations
Suggested onward hypnotic journeying…
onward to Your Sphere of Availability: abundance comes from going with the flow… not fighting against it. Understanding your ‘Sphere’ changes Everything!
Going deeper (and repetition) with the Clearing Trance: remove limiting beliefs and blocks holding you back. Replace them with empowering beliefs that will move you forward towards your goals.
VIP Members: head next to the Releasing & Letting Go Series. Gain Emotional Freedom from anxiety, worry and doubt, beat lethargy… Be Rejuvenated with an enhanced purpose and passionate drive for life.