Welcome to the First Mindcamp
You’re invited to take part in the first Mindcamp* for your thinking mind.
In this MindCamp I will be sharing with you some simple, tried and tested psychological techniques.
You can use them to help create new habits of success, giving you more of the life you want.
Or join in simply by listening in to the 11minute hypnotic PowerNap each day.
Doing anything 7 days in a row is going to make a difference.
Option one or option two, or maybe a mix of the both :))
And ahead of time give yourself permission to be ok about missing a day… get back on it.
Make sure to leave a comment and let us know how you’re getting on.
* ~ noun Bootcamp
“A type of physical training that consists of many different types of exercise done on a regular basis and designed for improving one’s physical fitness or skills in a particular subject area.”
~ noun Mindcamp
“A FUN mental training that consists of many different types of tools, techniques and exercises done regularly, designed to make you more AWESOME.”